‘Satellite Explorer Pro’ is a free app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch that is available through the iTunes app store. The app is a tool for tracking many types of Satellites, Including Ham Sats and the ISS. To download your copy click this link View In iTunes
The APP is created by Tom Doyle W9KE – The app support website is available at This link this includes some links to some videos showing some more of the apps advanced functions.
The iPhone screenshot below shows the main program screen. The tracking map shows the current location as a purple diamond, the satellite track as a series of blue dots. The dots are spaced apart equally in time. The satellite location is shown as a blue circle with a blue dot in the middle at the start of the track. The satellite footprint is shown as a yellow circle.
The app has the ability to locate you, using your phone GPS and it will give you your grid square, with this information, you can accurately see when the Bird you are after is about to come into view. And best of all the Price is right. Free.. Thanks Tom for a great App.