Solder burns and other shenanigans

I needed to convert 12v to 8.4v, so went for a drive to the local jaycar and purchased a simple voltage regulator kit. The kits is listed as simple,  and thats a good thing, I haven’t soldered in anger for a number of years, and was a bit (lot) rusty!. The kit simply regulates the…

Snap Circuits Electronics Kits

To ensure my two sons, Nathan who is 5 and Toby who is 3 get a balanced (brainwashed as Christine would say) education, I recently got them a basic electronics kit to help teach them some simple electronics principles. The kit I ended up is a Snap Circuits 300, the kit uses plastic tiles, each…

Radio books Cobram

On Wednesday I had to make a mad dash to Cobram on the Vic/NSW border for work. I had seen advertised on vkclassifieds and at the local vk3 hamfests the radio book store. So I took the time to drop in and say hello and have a browse. The book store is run by…